Friday, October 9, 2015

Vocabulary Knowledge

Beginning 2009 there was an active push to include more vocabulary knowledge in schools. According to the US Department of Education, the most recent data from National Assessment of Educational Progress, Students whom score high on the NAEP vocabulary questions scored higher on reading comprehension. There is a direct correlation between vocabulary knowledge and comprehension. The below chart depicts the correlation of such in 8th grade students.

The better a students vocabulary knowledge base, the better they will do in school. The better they can communicate with others. The higher their self efficacy will be. Comprehension and vocabulary knowledge go hand in hand. The video above shares useful information on the topic of vocabulary. 

                                   VOCABULARY KNOWLEDGE ACTIVITIES 

#1 Annotation
       Image courtesy of
Provide students with a Social Science reading. Ask them to annotate the piece. Have students underline main ideas and circle words they don't know and have them as a class, in groups or alone write quick, personal definitions or synonyms to the words.  
The Bill of Rights Institute offers a wide arrange of free reading material to compliment any articles or textbooks you may use in your class in U.S. History,Government or AP Political Science. I encourage you to check out this site.

#2 Word Splash Activity

The above picture is an example of what a Word Splash is. It is a word collage. This assignment can go along with a reading assignment. After reading students can insert key words from the reading. It combines creativity, content and vocabulary knowledge.

This strategy was found on the learning tasks website.

Here is an example of  a Word Splash Worksheet courtesy of the learning tasks website.



DIRECTIONS: Identify the largest word in the wordsplash.  This will be the main topic.  Choose THREE words that relate to the main topic.  Write three sentences that describe how each of these words relates to the main topic word. Create a visual wordsplash in the space above. Use colors and different text sizes and styles. Be creative!

  1. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  1. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  1. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

   #3 Mind Mapping

Mind mapping is an organization tool. If you have technology readily available at your school, you can use a free site like You can have students draw it by hand on whatever paper size and material you choose to use. Or you can create your own ready made mind map for students to fill in details. Reading rockets has some templates for teachers to use.

Mind mapping starts with a central topic with branches that extend outward. These branches include key details. 

Here is an example of what students can create on mind mapping. They can save the mind map on their device and send it to you via google drive, email or any method of your choosing. This mind map creation can be done via this free tool:

Students can also draw and create their own by hand. Here is an example of a hand created mind map courtesy of  Gabrielle Marquez. This idea can be found on 

                                          Mind Map found here:

Here is an example of a teacher made mind map worksheet. Ready made mind map worksheets can be found by visiting:

                                                                            Worksheet courtesy of

 You can have this be a collaborative classroom activity. Break students into groups and then have they present them to the class.  You can take photos of each mind map and place it on your classroom webpage so that students can go back and reference it.

Here is a video that depicts two types of mind mapping activities. You can weave in core material and vocabulary knowledge into both of the mind mapping techniques courtesy of

#4 Social Studies Interactive Notebook

 Interactive notebooks are a great way to consistently integrate vocabulary knowledge into Social Science content. Here is an example of what the basic premise of an interactive note book is.

 Wiki spaces is a wonderful, free resource that offers guidance and ideas on creating and keeping interactive notebooks full of variety. You can visit their site to check out the details:

Here is a video depicting what a Social Science interactive notebook could look like.

#5 Vocabulary Knowledge Video Activity
One really fun, hands on way to integrate social science content with vocabulary knowledge is I movie creation! Students in grades 7-12 as so tech savvy and they will really enjoy this assignment.

You can assign a section/period of history to each group. Have them collaboratively create a short movie about that historical time period and events. Require them to include pop ups of key words/ definitions of at least 5 vocabulary words that they find in the historical sources they use. Have them act out/role play a historical scene with the word. Encourage them to dress up, add props and be creative!

School tube is a great resource you can use. You can create a class account. Have the students upload their videos to the class account and have them present their videos in class.

Here is an example of what 10th grade students at William Hart High School did for their vocab video. It is not a strictly Social Science video, but it will give you a good idea of what the assignment goal is. Click on this link to view the video.


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